Thursday, 21 November 2013

Highlights of the speeches of John F Kennedy

When I was in the US last Christmas, I found three different collections of John F Kennedy's speeches.

John F Kennedy, The Presidential Years, 1960-1963

0:18    Nomination Acceptance, July 1960
0:50    Campaign in New York, October, 1960
1:45    Election Night, November 1960
2:22    Inaugural Address, January, 1961
6:37    State of the Union Message, January 1961
9:36    Prayer Breakfast, February, 1961
10:40  "So I go to Khrushchev in Vienna," May, 1961
11:42  Report on Berlin, July, 1961
13:11  UN Address, September, 1961
14:48  Nuclear Tests, November, 1961
17:50  Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, November 1961
19:04  The Steel Crisis, April, 1962
21:14  Yale Graduation Address, June, 1962
23:12  Cuba - Another Crisis, October, 1962
28:39  Equal Job Opportunities, November, 1962
29:43  Another Prayer Breakfast, February, 1963
31:11  A Still Greater Crisis, February, 1963
32:58  American Labor Movement, May, 1963
35:12  Birmingham, May, 1963
38:26  Final Address, Fort Worth, November 22, 1963
39:31  The Unspoken Credo, November 22, 1963

This next one is the most comprehensive:

John F Kennedy: A Self-Portrait

0:20       Carl Sandburg
1:01       Press Conference, Washington DC, January 2, 1960, announcement of candidacy
2:22       The Primaries and the Pre-convention Campaign
6:27       The Democratic National Convention, Los Angeles, July 13, 1960
8:24       The Acceptance Speech, Los Angeles, July 15, 1960
15:33     The Greater Houston Ministerial Association, Houston, September 12, 1960
17:32     The Kennedy-Nixon Debates, October 21, 1960
19:31     The Concession by Vice-President Richard M Nixon, November 9, 1960
21:41     The Inauguration
28:50     The Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961
42:37     The First State of the Union Address, January 29, 1961
44:41     The Bay of Pigs Crisis - Addres to the American Society of Newspaper Editors,
              Washington DC, April 20, 1961
47:51     On his visit with Khrushchev in Vienna - A report to the Nation on June 6, 1961
52:31     On the Berlin Crisis - A report to the nation, January 25, 1961
57:22     Address to the United Nations, New York, September 25, 1961
1:00:49  Medicare, Rally at Madison Square Garden, New York, May 20, 1962
1:03:25  The Race for Space, Address at Rice University, Houston, September 12, 1962
1:06:41  James Meredith and the University of Mississippi, September 30, 1962
1:09:21  The Cuba Crisis, October 22, 1963; its sequel, November 2, 1962
1:16:18  The National Cultural Center, Washington DC, November 29, 1962
1:20:05  A Conversation with the President, December 16, 1962
1:26:03  Final State of the Union Address, January 14, 1963
1:30:16  American University, Washington DC, June 10, 1963
1:36:57  Civil Rights, A Report to the Nation, June 11, 1963
1:41:25  West Berlin, June 24, 1963
1:42:00  The Test Ban - A report to the Nation, July 26, 1963
1:44:42  Amherst, Mass, October 26, 1963
1:48:17  Fort Worth, Texas, November 22, 1963
1:50:29  November 25, 1963

This final 7-inch is one I picked up in a trash & treasure market in Perryville in rural Arkansas.
It's not quite clear whether this was released to commemorate the inauguration only or if, like the others above, it was issued post-assassination. The fact that it says 'A Memorial Record' suggests probably the latter. This is the first time it has been played.

The Voice of President John F. Kennedy

0:12 Nomination Acceptance Speech
1:11 The Oath of Office
2:31 Highlights of the Inaugural Address

Monday, 16 September 2013

ACTU Achievement

Achievement was a record put out by the Australian Council of Trade Unions in 1979 and featuring, among others, John Derum and a pre-fame Christina Amphlett as part of The Session Singers.

The tracks are a mixed bag, some humourous, some serious, some rousing, some embarrassing and includes a cover of The Strawbs' Part of the Union, perhaps not entirely getting the slightly satirical element.

0:12    Ballad of 1891 (Helen Palmer/Doreen Jacobs) - Neil Williams (solo)/Bob Gard/John German/Steve Watson
2:58    It's On (Don Henderson) - John Derum
5:30    The Politician (Margaret Wilson) - The Session Singers*^
8:52    Part of the Union (Ford/Hudson) - Linda Keene/Mick Leyton
12:11   Freedom was a Common Thing (Kooriers) - George Assang
15:01   The Unionist's Prayer (Mellissa Roberts/Bob Young) - John Derum

16:23   Achievement (Mellissa Roberts/Bob Young) - Linda Keene/Mick Leyton
19:20   Going Our Way (Gary Sleeman/Bob Young) - The Session Singers*~
22:06   Basic Wage Dream (Don Henderson) - John Derum
24:43   For We Are Women - The Equal of Man (Arthur Sleeman/Bob Young) - The Session Singers *
27:20   Union of Union's (sic) (Ted Roberts/Bob Young) - Tim Elliot
30:59   United We Stand (Hiller/Simmons) - The Session Singers *^

The Session Singers:
* Christina Amphlett, Kim Deacon, Shayna Stewart, Tina Young & Jeanette Freeman
^ Brendan Mooney, Jeremy Paul, Tony Romeril, Christopher Young
~ Jane Ball, Jason Clayton, Jennifer Cook, Rodd Manning

Friday, 8 March 2013

Stateline Victoria - The week Steve Bracks resigned

ABC Stateline Victoria from Friday, 3rd August 2007
Top stories are the resignation of Steve Bracks as Victorian Premier and the replacement of long-serving AFL coaches. Analysis from Peter Batchelor, Paul Austin and Barrie Cassidy.